Our online groups - and how to join them

A person holding a smartphone with a text message conversation on the screen.

Instructions on how to join an online group

Our support groups are free, confidential meetings where people experiencing issues with drugs, alcohol or mental health can support each other with life's challenges. These groups are sometimes run online.

Some of our services offer local online groups that you can join by phone, tablet or laptop. We also have national groups you can join from anywhere in the country.

Here's how to join one of our online groups. 

Before the session starts

Go somewhere private and make sure you have a good internet connection.

Plug your earbuds or headphones into your phone, tablet or laptop.You’ll be able to hear everyone better this way. It also helps to keep the meeting private.

How to join a video meeting on a tablet or phone

If you’re using a tablet or phone, and you want to join a meeting by video, you’ll need to use the free Google Meet app.

You can download this from the Apple App Store or Google Play for Android.

You also need to have a Google account (see how to create a Google account).

How to join by phone

You can join an online meeting by phone rather than video (calls cost the same as your usual local rate).

The person leading the group will send you a PIN number. Type this onto your phone keypad to join the meeting.

How to join on a laptop

If you’re using a laptop to join a video meeting, paste the link sent by your group leader into your browser search bar.

The link will look something like this: meet.google.com/vnf-jzsw-suv.

Step-by-step guide to using Google Meet

For how to use Google Meet, watch our short YouTube video or follow the instructions below.

Open the app and click Continue

Iphone instructions Welcome to Google Meet screen shot

You’ll get a message saying “Meet would like to access the camera”.

Click OK (or Allow)

You’ll get a second message saying “Meet would like to access the microphone”.

Click OK (or Allow)

Click on Sign in to sign into your Google account (if you’re already signed in, just click Continue).

Iphone instructions Google Meet screenshot 2

Click on Meeting code

Copy and paste in the meeting code sent by your group leader (it will look something like this: boa-gpad-osu)

Click Join meeting

Click Ask to join

Welcome to your online meeting!