23 January 2024

Rotherham in-hospital service supports recovery for alcohol and drug-related admissions

News@2X (2)

“If it wasn’t for Bob, I don’t think I would have had the help before Christmas. I think I would have still been drinking.”

ROADS provided by WithYou’s in-hospital liaison service supports people in Rotherham who are admitted to hospital for alcohol or drug-related conditions, to find the right support and help prevent further admissions.

The in-hospital liaison service helps patients in Rotherham Hospital who have been affected by alcohol or drugs to understand the symptoms and impact of their use. They share non-judgemental advice around available treatment and support to help them live better, healthier lives.

Since April this year, over 50 patients have been assessed by the ROADS in-hospital liaison service in Rotherham for alcohol and drug-related admissions.

Bob Fynney leads the service in Rotherham and works closely with the hospital staff and Alcohol Liaison Team to identify and reach out to people who may need support. He provides advice around treatment including detox, whether that’s in-hospital or community, and talks through medications and treatment plans to help patient understanding.

Bob Fynney, Recovery Worker at ROADS provided by WithYou, said:

“A key benefit of this service is that I’m able to offer assessments to patients in hospital so they don’t have to wait; they have almost immediate access.

“Most clients are dependent drinkers, drinking every day and are often back and forth from hospital. Supporting clients in hospital means they’re not delayed - they can be assessed before they’re discharged home. After discharge they can expect a call from ROADS provided by WithYou alcohol and drug service within 24/48 hours.

“Often clients in hospital with alcohol or drug-related challenges are already motivated to make a change, so offering help with no delay means that when they’re at their lowest, I’m here to listen and help.

“I enjoy working closely with the hospital and Alcohol Liaison Team. My favourite part of the role is assessing someone who then fully engages with treatment in our service at ROADS and then meets their own targets. You’re working with people who want to change their life. I meet different people every day who invite me into their lives when they’re at their lowest. I sit by their bed and listen to their story.”

Bob is available in Rotherham Hospital on the afternoon of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday each week.

*Rose, a client from Rotherham, said:

“I have been drinking about 16 years now on and off. I went 22 months without a drink then started drinking again and ended up in hospital for about five weeks, very poorly. I had neglected myself through drink. I didn’t have a drink for about nine months after that and then I started drinking again for about two months straight, up to three or four bottles a day.

“I got in touch with the Rotherham Hospital Alcohol Liaison Team and they asked Bob if he would work with me. I phoned ROADS up and they made arrangements to come out and see me; Bob phoned me up quite quickly.

“I wanted to be able to enjoy Christmas with my family. I’d got my son, partner and grandchildren coming for Christmas Day. That wouldn’t have happened if I was drinking - they are so proud of me. I didn’t think I would stick it out but the more I got involved in groups etc, I really enjoyed it.

“If it wasn’t for Bob and ROADS, I don’t think I would have had the help before Christmas. I would have still been drinking.”

Amanda Marklew, Lead Alcohol Nurse, The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, said:

“It’s been an ask to have a link worker from community drug and alcohol services for some years; and the wait has been worth it. Bob has integrated into the team and the wider trust with ease, enthusiasm and professionalism. Patients are at the core of his business and he is a positive advocate for the ROADS provided by WithYou service. This joint partnership has enabled us to provide our patients with seamless new community assessments, appointments and post-detox recovery interventions. Rather than the team explaining the community offer, now people can meet a person who can support the transition into services knowing they have a friendly face and a range of options to choose from.

“With massive thanks to WithYou for supporting this essential in-reach which is making such a difference, Bob has completed over 50 patient assessments for transfer to community services in less than three months.”

*Rose, added:

“Get help as soon as possible - don’t let it go on and on until you end up in hospital very poorly. Phone ROADS up and get help.”

If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol or drugs across Rotherham, call ROADS provided by WithYou on 0808 1753981 (free phone) or visit the website wearewithyou.org.uk for a free, confidential webchat service.